Drum Roll Please… Introducing Lunchbox Lovables!

If you follow our blog, you know by now that we at Sophisticated Standards are all about keeping families close. We strive to create products that give you more ways to spread joy to the lives of those you love. If this is your first time we sincerely hope that someone shared the delight that one of our products brought their family. Regardless of how you found us, we are ecstatic to announce the nation-wide introduction of one of our favorite Lovables items, Lunchbox Lovables, with you! We truly appreciate the support!

We know you're busy and we are very grateful for your time reading about our newest product additions. We’ve shared a little about our family and why we created our company, however, we want to celebrate Lunchbox Lovables and its precious history with you. 

If you haven’t already heard the amazingly supportive launch of Lunchbox Lovables, you’re in the right place.

We know that you are excellent parents, but have you ever found yourself so busy and stressed just getting the kids ready for school and out the door that there is just not enough time for anything else?

For many, the morning rush can be the most hectic part of the day. Getting yourself groomed and ready may be a manageable process. However, let’s add a kiddo or two to the mix and every morning can quickly turn into a chaotic whirlwind. Both children fed, groomed, dressed and ready. Packing lunches and briefcases while the sleepy one complains about her outfit and the little one refuses to potty. Just generally getting out the door on time with minimal outbursts, one to school, the other to daycare, and yourself to work is exhausting. Accomplishing all of this before 8:00 am or earlier makes you a superhero. We want you to have a way to show it despite the chaos. Needless to say, it can be hard to find the time and energy at the beginning of the day to show our little ones how much we love them. 

Drum roll please… Lunchbox Lovables has entered the building. Here to ensure you keep your super parent status even while you are away conquering the day!

What is this Lunchbox Lovables product? 

Lunchbox Lovables is a booklet full of personalized cards to place in your child's backpack or lunchbox. These easy tear-off messages are perfect for any busy parent on the go who wants to share a little “special'' surprise with their kids! Lunchbox Lovables provides carefully crafted love and encouragement that children deeply desire with a healthy mixture of fun, laughter and challenges in a note letting them know how much you cherish them. 

Remember, when it comes to love, it’s the little things that count.

With Lunchbox Lovables, we simplified a way to share themed and unique content in both our standard and customized versions with daily tear-off cards from our perforated edge booklets that take all the leg work off of you. The booklets offer sweet, funny and stimulating messages for the entire school year, scratch-off challenges, bonding project opportunities and so much more. 

Our Lunchbox Lovables booklets are carefully created to connect with any child in daycare, school, summer camp or on vacation with fun facts, inspiration, loving reminders and experiences to look forward to when you are together again! One of our favorite parts is our customizable version where you don’t have to be the parent to share this joyous product with the child in your heart. Lunchbox Lovables offers versions specifically designed to engage with any child, not only from parents but from beloved friends, family members, caretakers, or teachers. 

So What Sets Lunchbox Lovables Apart From Ordinary Lunch Box Cards?

  • Fun topics, affectionate messages, stimulating questions, and jokes to engage any child

  • Our parents corner offers helpful reminders and makes suggestions to continue the connections at home

  • Unique and customized themes

  • Personalization options

  • Each book is neatly designed with 180 different cards to cover you for the entire school year

  • You save time with no effort creating or printing

  • High quality product and contents delivered directly to you

  • Quick and easy tear-off cards with our trademarked perforated edges

  • Most importantly, we care and are committed to improving the love in relationships everyday

So what are you waiting for? Order an original or customize your booklet to create a lasting impact on your child’s life today! Simply choose your type and theme and we do the rest!


Why We Created Lunchbox Lovables:

Sharing in the struggle most parents experience, we wanted a way for our children to feel love, support and connection from us, even while we have to navigate through the hustle and bustle that consumes the majority of our days. We started handwriting notes each morning while getting ready and packing up for school. These simple, fun and encouraging notes placed in their backpacks or lunch boxes each day became a cherished routine. Despite the lack of “beauty” with our chicken-scratch writing on a sticky note or on the backside of a grocery list, we were providing such joy and value to our children that these notes soon proved to be one of their favorite parts of the day. They were so excited to open their lunch boxes or backpacks to see a message from mom or dad - even if the teacher had to read it to them. However, it was exhausting to find fresh and new content, let alone remember to write one if we were late walking out the door that morning. Once we started this routine, our children and their keen awareness started to notice if we re-used the same message. Occasionally, we would call on our children’s grandparents and other family members asking them to write out a few messages just to provide something new. Luckily, we have already worked out all the kinks and provided an entire year's content for you. 

As this Lovable tradition developed, our children’s comprehension drastically expanded and continued to excite them to find the following messages each day. This delightful result inevitably helped our children with expanding their site word knowledge and identifying whole sentences to read by themselves. Shortly after, our children’s classmates became increasingly intrigued and shared their desire with their parents to receive notes too. We received a lot of praise for our innovative efforts. However, teachers, parents and caretakers would continuously mention that they wish they had the time or creativity to share similar emotions and beautiful messages with their children or students. 

For our family, we have dedicated our lives to reclaiming values and providing a fulfilling future for ourselves, children and relationships, while supporting people around us that want to experience the same. This ultimately drove us to share the gift of our captivating notes with the world. We wanted you and your children to experience the joy this tradition added to our family. So, Our first version of Lunchbox Lovables was born!

Lunchbox Lovables helps to ensure your children feel loved, unique, and connected while at school or away from home. Honestly, what parent doesn’t wish to fill their child’s heart with affection and mind with memories of little ways they were reminded how special they are? But who has the time and energy to be the ‘Pinterest parent’ with every situation? This is why Sophisticated Standards created Lunchbox Lovables just for you. A full book of heartfelt, funny, and interactive tear-off notes that takes only a couple seconds to place in a lunchbox or backpack. We have you covered for the entire year. Starting now, despite your busy and often frustrating schedule, Sophisticated Standards has your back. We aim to be your ally, helping every parent feel creative and accomplished by going the extra mile to communicate your love to your little ones. 

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