Wanted: Community Challenging Modern Standards With Passionate Values

Wanted: Seeking a Community of intelligent Christ-centered thinkers that are not afraid to question the world around them and whether our “new normal” is what is best for the future of ourselves, relationships, families and our children.

Are you lost in the craziness of our world’s views and agendas? Do you feel like you or your family are alone in wanting to see major changes on where we place “value” today? You are not alone. That’s where we come in.

We are here as your go-to resource that is focused on providing value driven content, advice, support, and products that are aimed to assist you in keeping your relationships, spouse, family, and children close and surrounded by love. We are making a commitment to provide these to you, despite the fact, that everywhere you look there is someone or something doing its best to erode sophisticated standards from beneath your family and your feet. 


We want to help you be the change that you want to see and is desperately needed in the world. We want to share the joy of your successes and assist in your times of trial. Above all we want you to know that you are not going to have to do this alone! In addition, we want to connect you with a community that will support your journey of living by Sophisticated Standards. 


Sophisticated Standards is a family collaboration, newer to the blogging community but don’t let that mislead you - we have tons of content to share and a wide range of topics to discuss, all while changing the perspective and keeping our treasured values in tact.

Strong morals and keeping some of the traditional moments alive with innocence is OKAY. It starts with one person, one family, and grows into a community and develops a culture to create normalcy. If you believe in it, be a part of it. If you don’t, then don’t. We don’t feel the need to shove it down anyone's throat. We just want those of you that have the will to be strong and desire to create the world you want to live in. Treasure the beauty, respect the differences of others, and challenge the perspective that the current situation we live in is normal. We miss and treasure some of the times and expectations, people often today, consider outdated or not realistic… and for our families (and hopefully yours), we are determined to get them back.



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