Projects Paired With Your Lunchbox Lovables Book

Crafts are easy, even if you don’t know what you’re doing.

We hope our Lunchbox Lovables book inspired you to maximize your time with not only your spouse but your children too. It’s our dream to keep relationship connections strong and recapture Sophisticated Standards we deeply value.

If you have already checked out our products and are looking for more projects or better options paired with your book of cards, you’re in the right place. If you haven’t checked out our book, click here to see all the options we know you will love!


Whether you are already the crafty type, have no clue what you are doing, or simply need some inspiration, we have awesome options for you.

We have outlined the projects and supplies needed to follow along with any of our Lunchbox Lovables books. However, make sure to follow us and sign up for our blogs for continued inspiration.

  • October:

    1. Easy pumpkin with scissors, paper and markers - Practice your child’s cutting skills with an orange piece of paper, color the stem green and draw orange lines. 

    2. Paint a hand spider with paper and black paint - Paint black lines as your web (or use a black marker), dip your kiddo’s hand in black paint as the spider and draw eyes on the palm. For added fun, glue on two googly eyes!

    3. Simple cat face with a black disposable plate, colored paper, fuzz, scissors, glue and string - Cut and glue two ears above the plate and two eyes on the top of the plate, glue the fuzz as the nose, and cut and string as the whiskers.

  • November:

    1. Draw a hand turkey with paper and markers - Trace your child’s hand, color the palm brown as the body and the fingers whatever fall colors desired.

    2. Build a cornucopia with a paper bag, glue, scissors, paper and markers - Trace, color, cut and glue leaves to the opening of a paper bag and twist the bottom. For a more detailed project, stuff the bag with cotton balls or tissue paper and use fake leaves.

    3. Make a scarecrow with glue, paper, scissors, markers and ribbon - Cut two pieces of paper (one taller than the other) and glue them into cylinders, cut paper three quarters of the way up on the smaller cylinder to look like a frayed hat, cut and glue ribbon on the top or the hat and bottom on the body, draw the eyes and a nose. For an added effect, glue on googly eyes and a button nose.

  • December:

    1. Easy snowman with marshmallows, toothpicks and a market - Take three large marshmallows, stack them on a toothpick and draw on the eyes, buttons and a scarf. You can also use styrofoam balls, string and fuzz!

    2. Make a Christmas tree with popsicle sticks, glue and markers - Glue sticks together as your tree and color ornaments on the sticks with markers. For more fun, glue on fuzz balls as the ornaments.

    3. Hang lights with sting, paper and scissors - Cut colored paper in the shape of bulbs, punch a hole at the base of the paper bulbs, cut a piece of string and feed it through the bulbs. As a bonus, glue foil at the base of the bulbs. 

  • January:

    1. Snowflakes with glue, pipe cleaners and paper - Twist white pipe cleaners together as your snowflake and glue them to a piece of paper. To add more flare, you can glue miniature snowflakes and sprinkle glitter over them.

    2. Spell a name as a snowman using paper, markers, scissors and tape - Cut circles of white paper (one of each letter in the name and one for the head), tape them together, write the letters in the name throughout the body, and draw on the eyes, mouth and nose. 

  • February:

    1. Piece together a heart with paper and glue - Cut puzzle-shaped pieces of paper and glue on to a larger piece of paper in the form of a heart.

    2. Make a bouquet of flowers with paper, pipe cleaners, scissors and glue - Cut and glue petals from the paper and glue them to the pipe cleaner. To enhance the look, use a styrofoam ball as the centerpiece of the flower. 

    3. Frame a handprint with paint, paper and markers - Paint a handprint on paper, paint a frame and write a Valentine’s Day message on the paper.

  • March:

    1. Make a 3D rainbow with cotton balls, paper and glue - Cut strips of colored paper, glue them to a base paper and glue cotton balls as the clouds.

    2. Pot of gold with paint, paper, scissors, glue and foam -  Use black paint to make your pot, cut circles of yellow form as the gold, and glue them above and beneath the pot.

  • Book Bonus Project:

    1. Build a chain ring for a countdown with paper, scissors and tape - Cut strips of paper and glue them in circles threaded through each piece. 

There are several ways to create a craft with your little one but the most important part is that you enjoy the time together!

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