Sophisticated Standards

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Play 50 Questions: What to Ask When Connecting With Your Spouse

Strengthen the connection with your spouse with Sophisticated Standards.

Whether you’re dating or have been married for several years, communication is a large part of keeping your relationship strong. Asking great questions, without assuming the answers, is one of the best ways to keep connection with your significant other.  All too often in long-term relationships, people start to believe they know everything about their partner. This is an error.

Psychologically, our brains are constantly trying to predict the behavior of our partner in attempts to make the future more predictable. It is important to understand that we all are wired to do this as a survival mechanism. While it may be useful to have this ability in the wild, it will almost always get you in trouble in relationships. One may wonder, why would this helpful skill become so detrimental in our love lives? There are a few often overlooked reasons.

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Most importantly, in order to perform this task it requires you to make MANY assumptions, based on PAST experience. 

Next and almost equally important, your brain is doing this to make your future more predictable. This may be useful choosing the route home that does not pass the home of a pack of lions, but making your relationship more predictable based on your assumptions is usually the opposite of what we want in our lives.

The reality is that we can guarantee people grow and change constantly.

Spend a night taking turns asking questions and see how much you have been assuming incorrectly about your significant other. I bet you will be surprised, along with the added benefit of connecting in a fun way. 

  1. What’s your idea of a perfect date?

  2. Would you rather play a board game or watch a movie together?

  3. What was your favorite game to play as a kid?

  4. Who is your favorite movie star?

  5. What’s your all time favorite musician or band?

  6. Would you rather be a famous actor or writer? 

  7. If you had to choose your theme song, what would it be?

  8. What song do you listen to on repeat?

  9. Do you have a favorite quote?

  10. What’s your favorite life hack?

  11. If you could only offer one piece of advice for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  12. If you could choose anyone to be your mentor, who would it be?

  13. Would you rather go back in time to meet your ancestors or go to the future and meet your great-great grandchildren?

  14. If you could have any superpower what would it be?

  15. What’s the oddest talent you have?

  16. If you could be immortal for a day, what would you do?

  17. Would you ever talk to a psychic?

  18. Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?

  19. If given the chance, would you go to outer space?

  20. Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?

  21. Would you rather have noisy neighbors or nosy neighbors?

  22. If you could learn any language, what would it be?

  23. If you could change your name, what would it be?

  24. Have you ever met one of your heroes?

  25. If you could spend one more day like a child, what would you do?

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26. Have you ever set someone up on a blind date?

27. Have you ever unplugged from all technology for more than two days?

28. Have you ever won an award?

29. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

30. If social media did not exist, how would your life be different?

31. If you could have a drink with a fictional character, who would it be?

32. If you could master a musical instrument, what would you choose?

33. If you were to write a book under a surname, which one would you choose?

34. What’s your favorite childhood activity and would you do it again?

35. What’s a toy you loved as a kid but don’t hear about anymore?

36. What was your favorite book growing up?

37. What’s your favorite childhood movie?

38. If you could donate a million dollars, what cause would you choose to give it to?

39. What about the world brings you joy?

40. What other culture intrigues you the most and why?

41. What’s the most exotic thing you have ever eaten?

42. Who was your favorite teacher and why?

43. If a movie was written about your life, who would you want to play the role of you?

44. What’s your favorite meal and do you know how to make it?

45. If you could see one thing in the future, what would you want to see?

46. What’s the funniest thing you believed as a child?

47. What’s the best prank or joke you’ve ever told?

48. What’s a fact that floored you the most?

49. Would you rather live to 100 and never see the world or travel the entire world but only live to 50?

50. What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?

These 50 questions are perfect for an intimate night on the couch or a date night dinner conversation - anyway you use them, it should get the ball rolling to deepen your connection. The beauty of asking questions like these can almost always inspire you to customize the topics to your relationship. The life you’re sharing should be full of love, excitement, and oddly challenging, so let us know if you learned something new about your partner!

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